Our Values


Personal Connection

We believe that the best experiences develop organically. That’s why we start with a 1-to-1 conversation and build our gatherings from there.

Deep Learning

We believe that Judaism empowers each of us to live lives that are rich and imbued with meaning, and that learning is the gateway to that discovery.

Small is All 

We believe that impactful transformation happens best in the depth of small and intimate spaces, where we focus on mind, heart, body and soul; the growth we experience has a profound effect on our community and our world.


We believe that safe and sacred spaces allow us to truly be ourselves; vulnerable, transparent and real.

Radical Welcoming

We believe that whoever you are, whatever you believe (or don’t!), however you love, pray, eat, vote or sing—you’re family.

Healing Our World

We believe in our shared commitment to repairing our broken world with increased love, kindness, and justice.